Wow. Hello blog. It's been a while, you alright? Of course you are. You don't have feelings. Well, I suppose, you can't even be alright in that case, can you? LOL, I haven't changed my blogging style. I thought I might have done since it's been a while. I have adapted LOL though. LOL needs to be explained. Lol is an abbreviation frequently linked to youths, yes? So, if I say LOL, I am doing it in an ironic sense. This is because I, myself, am a youth. However, I like to think I am not a stereotypical youth. So I am being a youth, saying a stereotypical youth saying (LOL), because it's ironic, because I'm not a stereotypical youth. How goddam pretentious is that? Very, I hear you cry. I know, I know.
Right well. Blogging! I've written about you, dear blog, in my personal statement so I thought I should probably revive you. Because otherwise, you know, I'd be lying. And LYING IS WRONG. Some things have changed and some things haven't. Here goes:
1. I am Year Thirteen now. Old. I have AS results. They are okay. AACC. Cs in English (OH MY GOD I NEARLY SHOT MYSELF AND I GOT IT REMARKED AND IT DIDN'T MOVE AND SCHOOL THINKS AQA IS CORRUPT BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO LOOOADS OF US) and French (I did atrociously on my oral. I expected this. I just need to retake it.). As in Drama (well, you know) and in Philosophy (god knows how!!!). So that's that. OH, I'm head girl too. YEAAAH! It's fun. Hard, but fun. We do lots! I have sent seven thousand emails today and met with the prefect group. Who are babes. Yeaaah.
2. I went to Malia! All my previous blogs are about my holiday. IT WAS BANGING. Literally amazing. Just so, so good. I let myself go crazy and it was JUST GODDAM GREAT.
3. I have turned into Holden Cauldfield. Yes, this has happened. Phonies are everywhere and they always goddam kill me.
4. One of my best friends is now at uni. This is Rhiannon. She is philosophising at Cardiff. And by philosophising I mean having sex, missing lectures and being drunk. Good girl.
5. I don't have a boyfriend. Met a wonderful, wonderful man. It was great. Then he started ignoring me. End of. How cool is that shit?!?!?!
Blaaaaargh. So this is life! I should probably be doing something UCAS/French related at present but I'm not. God, French still takes over my life! Nothing has changed there then. But I thought blogging would be AMUSANT.
Have a good evening babes.
Sally x
PS, I met Danny from McFly at work. Hugged him and told him he was in my favourite band ever. It...was...THE BEST THING EVERRRRRRRRR!